🌻 Discover 248 pages of the market’s most thorough, intentional, and comprehensive guidance for a safe and fulfilling microdosing experience!
A dozen psychedelic coaches have previewed this guide, with the most consistent review being “Super impressive.”
What can you expect from the guide?
Take a glimpse at the index:
✨ The Fundamentals of Microdosing
7-10 Introduction, history, benefits, & a caveat
11 Psychedelics & the brain
12-14 Microdosing & benefits
15-16 Psychological effects of microdosing
17-18 Negative psychological effects
19-20 Negative physiological effects & remedies
21-22 Magic truffles
23-24 Psilocybin truffles vs mushrooms,
[Dosage, Shelf Life, Storage]
25-26 LSD Forms, Storage & Shelf Life
27 LSD expiration & drug testing
28 Psilocybin mushrooms vs LSD
29-30 Preparing your microdoses
31-32 Dosage ranges
33 Dosage based on body weight table (psilocybin)
34 Dosage calibration & tolerance
35 Extra tips & bruised mushrooms
36 Supplements
37 Interactions with other substances
38-39 Risks & Contraindications
✨ Making the most of microdosing
41-44 Intention setting & journal prompts
45 Is Microdosing a placebo effect?
46-48 Microdosing Protocols
49-50 Complementary practices
✨ Psychedelic Preparation (physical-mental-spiritual)
51-58 Preparation practices + journal prompts
59-62 The role of intuition + reflection prompts
63-64 Set & Setting
65 Creating a morning routine for microdosing
66-68 Things to note + preparation prompts
69 Quote: Albert Hofmann
✨ Workbook
Before you begin microdosing:
70-77 Life Assessment
77-84 Goal Setting
85-93 Creating a vision & self-reflection prompts
94-97 Prompts before you begin microdosing
98-100 Tracking + prompts
While you microdose:
101-108 Tracking sheets
109-110 Empty tracking sheets
111-112 Blank pages
113 Quote: Stanislav Grof
114-126 Daily Microdosing Prompts
127-130 Weekly reflection prompts
131-133 Microdosing integration prompts